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Best Joint Replacement Hospital in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
Best Joint Replacement Hospital in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
Joint Problems & Orthopaedic Problems Answered

Frequently Asked Questions?

Step 1 – Talk to your family doctor first and ask him to recommend the best orthopaedic surgeon.
Step 2 – We advise you to do your own research online and through your own network of people.
Step 3 – Once you find the list of orthopaedic surgeons, carefully drill down surgeon’s track record & values, patient satisfaction, patient testimonials, skills & expertise & credentials.
Step 4 – When you arrive at a list, it is always ideal to consult 2-3 orthopaedic surgeons and compare the details and pick the best orthopaedic surgeon in Guntur, Vijayawada, Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh.

We wish you good luck in finding the best orthopaedic surgeon in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.

Ask within your network, talk to your family doctor, and always do your own research to drill down the best orthopaedic surgeon providing best treatment for avascular necrosis of hip. Look out for the success rate and their comprehensive range of treatment options for avn of hip.

Shri Ramchandra Joint Replacement Center has treated many patients suffering with Avascular necrosis of hip or avn of hip with 99% success rate. Our patients are very happy even after 12 years getting avascular necrosis treatment or avn of hip treatment in Guntur. We suggest hip replacement surgery for avascular necrosis of hip only when the hip joint is not responding for any joint preservation treatments like PRP, Joint Injections, Medications, Physiotherapy, Osteotomy, Core Decompression, Bone Grafting, Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement. Click here to know more about Avascular Necrosis of Hip

You have to talk to your doctor, ask people within your network, do your own online and offline research and get the best 3 orthopaedic hospitals, always visit at least 2 to 3 orthopaedic hospitals, compare the details and pick the best orthopaedic hospital that has good track record in knee replacement surgeries, non-invasive knee treatment options using advance evidence-based mechanisms.

We know that #kneepain is very nagging and it will not allow you to do your daily chores. Click here to know more details about Knee Pain Causes and Treatment Options.

Total knee replacement surgery is a major surgical procedure, and as such, some degree of pain and discomfort can be expected during the recovery period. However, advances in surgical techniques and pain management strategies have significantly improved the patient experience after knee replacement surgery.

In most cases, patients receive a combination of pain medications immediately after surgery, including local anesthetics, opioids, and anti-inflammatory drugs, to help manage pain and discomfort during the first few days after the procedure. As the patient recovers, pain medications may be gradually reduced or discontinued as the pain improves.

In addition to pain medication, other pain management strategies may be used after knee replacement surgery, including physical therapy, ice therapy, and elevation of the affected leg. These strategies can help reduce pain and swelling, improve range of motion, and speed up the recovery process.

It's important to note that pain and discomfort after knee replacement surgery can vary depending on several factors, including the patient's individual pain threshold, the extent of the surgery, and the presence of any underlying health conditions. However, most patients are able to manage their pain effectively with a combination of medications and other pain management strategies, and the pain typically improves over time as the knee heals.

Overall, while some degree of pain and discomfort can be expected after knee replacement surgery, modern pain management strategies can help minimize the discomfort and enable patients to have a smooth and successful recovery.

In most cases, people who undergo knee replacement surgery are able to return to their normal activities and enjoy a good quality of life after the procedure. Knee replacement surgery is designed to relieve chronic pain and improve mobility in people with severe joint damage or degenerative conditions, allowing them to resume normal daily activities and hobbies.

However, the recovery process following knee replacement surgery can take several weeks or months, and it typically involves physical therapy and rehabilitation to regain strength, flexibility, and range of motion in the affected knee. During this time, patients may need to use assistive devices such as crutches or a walker, and they may need to avoid high-impact activities such as running or jumping.

It's also important to note that knee replacement surgery is not a cure for underlying joint conditions such as arthritis, and there is a risk of complications associated with the procedure. These may include infection, blood clots, implant failure, or other issues that may require additional treatment or revision surgery.

Overall, the success of knee replacement surgery depends on several factors, including the patient's age, overall health, and lifestyle, as well as the surgical technique used and the quality of the implant. Most patients are able to resume normal activities and enjoy a good quality of life after knee replacement surgery, but it's important to discuss the potential risks and benefits of the procedure with a qualified orthopedic surgeon.

The best age to have a knee replacement depends on the individual patient's circumstances. Knee replacement surgery is typically recommended for people who have chronic knee pain and mobility issues that are not responding to other forms of treatment, such as physical therapy, medication, or lifestyle modifications.

In general, knee replacement surgery is more commonly performed on older adults, typically those over the age of 60. However, there is no specific age limit for knee replacement surgery, and some younger patients may also benefit from the procedure, particularly if they have severe joint damage or a degenerative condition.

It's important to consider several factors when deciding whether to have knee replacement surgery, including the severity of the knee pain, the degree of joint damage, the patient's overall health, and their ability to participate in post-surgical rehabilitation. In addition, the patient's lifestyle and activity level may also be important considerations.

Ultimately, the decision to have knee replacement surgery should be made in consultation with a qualified orthopedic surgeon, who can help determine the best course of treatment based on the patient's individual needs and circumstances.

Deciding which knee implant is better - Oxinium or Cobalt Chrome - ultimately depends on the patient's individual circumstances and needs. Both types of knee implants have their advantages and disadvantages.

Oxinium knee implants are made from a metal alloy that is designed to be more wear-resistant and durable than traditional metal implants. Oxinium has been shown to produce less wear debris compared to Cobalt Chrome implants, which may reduce the risk of complications such as inflammation and implant loosening. Oxinium implants may also be a good option for younger, more active patients who require knee replacement surgery.

Cobalt Chrome knee implants, on the other hand, have a longer track record and may be less expensive compared to Oxinium implants. Cobalt Chrome implants have been used for decades and have a well-established safety profile. They are also available in a wider range of sizes and configurations, which may be beneficial for patients with unique anatomical needs.

Ultimately, the choice between Oxinium and Cobalt Chrome knee implants should be made in consultation with a qualified orthopedic surgeon, who can help determine the best option based on the patient's individual needs and circumstances.

The life expectancy of a knee implant can vary depending on several factors, including the type of implant, the patient's activity level, weight, and overall health, as well as the quality of the implant and the surgical technique used to implant it.

On average, knee implants are expected to last between 10-20 years, but some may need to be replaced sooner. However, advancements in implant technology, such as the use of Oxinium knee implants, may result in longer-lasting knee replacements.

Regular follow-up appointments and imaging tests may be recommended to monitor the health and function of the knee implant over time. If a knee implant begins to show signs of wear, damage, or other complications, revision surgery may be necessary to replace the implant and restore proper function to the knee.

It's important to discuss the potential risks and benefits of any knee implant option with your doctor to determine the best course of treatment for your individual circumstances.

You will have to make an appointment with your medical doctor first to get your “Medical Clearance”. This is to let your surgeon and the anesthesiologist know that your heart, lungs, and kidneys are all optimized for surgery. Your medical doctor will have you obtain a chest x-ray, ECG, and blood work.

We understand you are in a lot of pain at this point but we need your patience during the scheduling and medical clearance process. Our main goal is your safety, and we will not rush through this process. Your doctor may be able to reduce some of your pain, while you are waiting for surgery, with pain medication or injections.
• Medication complications
• Pneumonia
• Death

• The Anesthesiologist will talk to you about your past medical history and discuss with you the safest form of anesthesia, prior to going into the operating room.Stroke, Heart Attack, Bone Fractures, Kidney Failure


There are risks with any type of surgery. The risks with a Total Knee Replacement are:

Infection: • You will be given an antibiotic before surgery and for 24 hours after surgery.
• Your doctor and the whole surgical team wear special “space suits” in the O.R., to keep them completely covered from head to foot.

NOTE: If you have any open sores or cuts PLEASE bring them to your surgeons attention prior to surgery. Also, if you have any decaying teeth that should be pulled, PLEASE take care of this before you are scheduled for surgery. Open sores and decaying teeth INCREASE your risk of getting an infection.

Bleeding • You will have a tourniquet around your leg to prevent any bleeding during the surgery.
• You will have a drain coming out of the side of your knee after surgery. This is to remove any excess blood from the knee.Blood Clots/Blood Clots That Can Spread To The Lungs
• You will be given a blood thinner for 14 days after surgery to prevent this risk.
• Foot pumps will be on your feet when you are lying in bed during your hospital stay.

Nerve Damage / Numbness & Tingling / Drop Foot: • Special care is taken around major nerves.
• It is completely normal to feel some numbness on the outside of your incision. The small nerves that attach to the skin are cut during the surgery. These nerves will regenerate over time.

You can continue to take your medications up to the date of surgery. ALL BLOOD THINNERS AND NON-STEROIDAL MEDICATIONS MUST BE STOPPED 10 DAYS PRIOR TO SURGERY. Ex-Advil, Aleve, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Naprosyn, Naproxen, Piroxicam, Celebrex, Aspirin, Coumadin, Plavix, Warfarin, Heparin, MSM, Lovenox, Vit E, Omega 3, Fish oil, Ginger, Garlic, Ginkgo. NOTE: Smoking slows down the healing process. If you smoke, please try to quit 30 days prior to surgery and during your healing process.

Yes, you will have to go to the hospital a day or two prior to surgery. You will need to bring with you your insurance information, past medical history information, a list of your current medications and reports and confirm the surgery date and time.

You will report to the surgery waiting area 2 hours prior to your surgery time. You will then be brought into the Pre-Op room. You will be given a hospital gown and a bag to put all your belongings in. Please leave valuables at home or give them to a family member to hold on to. The Pre-op nurse will start an IV in your arm and obtain some more information from you. Your family members are allowed to stay with you in the Pre-op room, until you are taken to the operating room. You will meet your anesthesiologist at this time. He will discuss with you the safest form of anesthesia for you. They will also offer to put in a Femoral Nerve Block. This will eliminate a substantial amount of pain for the first 3 days. You will also see your surgeon or Physicians Assistant at this time so they can answer any last minute questions you may have. At this time, the proper leg will be marked. When you feel 100% comfortable about your surgery, all questions have been answered, and the proper leg was marked, you will then be transported to the operating room.

For the first 6 weeks after surgery a Physical Therapist will come to your home. The Home Health Nurse will assist you with changing your bandages and administering any medications that you will need after surgery. They will also remove the staples from your incision between 10-14 days after surgery. The Physical Therapist will help you with exercises to strengthen the muscles that are now weak after surgery. They will also help you get your leg as bent and as straight as you possibly can. Remember it’s a marathon not a sprint! Do the best that you possibly can and your motion will eventually come back.

Most patients can go back to work anywhere between 6 weeks and 3 months.

As soon as you feel comfortable with your new knee. Have a family member or friend take you to an empty parking lot first so you can practice starting and stopping your car. And remember, it is not safe to drive a car if you are still taking any Narcotics for pain.

You will see your surgeon around 4-6 weeks after your surgery. He will then ask that you come back annually, to take an x-ray and make sure you are still enjoying your Total Knee Replacement.

The surgery takes about 60-90 minutes. However you will be in the operating room for about 2 hours. When you are taken into the operating room, you will be asked to move over to the operating room bed. Your Anesthesiologist will then give you some medication through your IV to make you sleepy. At this time he will perform the femoral nerve block. The Anesthesiologist will then put you to sleep for the length of the procedure. The operating room nurse will insert a Foley catheter into your bladder. This catheter will remain in your bladder for the first 2 days after surgery. A tourniquet is then placed around your leg, so you will lose NO blood at all during the surgery. Your surgeon then does your Total Knee Replacement. After your knee is finished the Anesthesiologist will then wake you up in the operating room. You will then be transported to the recovery room.

Your will be in the recovery room for approximately 1-2 hours after surgery. Your leg will be put in a CPM (Continuous passive motion) machine. The CPM machine starts to bend and straighten your leg. Your leg will be completely wrapped in an ace bandage. These bandages will not be removed until the 3rd day after surgery. This reduces your risk of getting an infection. When you are awake enough, after your anesthesia wears off, you will be transported to your hospital room. This is when you will be able to see your family and friends for the first time after your surgery. NOTE: PLEASE BRING COMFORTABLE, LOOSE FITTING CLOTHES TO THE HOSPITAL. (PLEASE DO NOT BRING YOUR FAVORITE/EXPENSIVE PAIR OF SHORTS OR SWEATPANTS AS THEY MAY BECOME SOILED DURING YOUR HOSPITAL STAY) WHILE YOU ARE IN THE RECOVERY ROOM, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO CHANGE INTO YOUR CLOTHING BEFORE YOU ARE TRANSFERRED TO YOUR ROOM.

You will be in the hospital for approximately 3 days after surgery. When our surgeon feels you are stable enough to leave the hospital, he will then discharge you. our surgeon and his his P.A. (Physicians Assistant) will pay a visit to you, at least twice a day, during your hospital stay.

Best Joint Replacement Hospital in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
Best Joint Replacement Hospital in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh